In this database, you will find vehicle-specific diagnostic and repair information relating to a variety of fault symptoms. This professional, technical information has been compiled by experienced technicians and mechanics to support automotive workshops with vehicle repairs. You can search the database by entering multiple keywords, for instance the vehicle make, model, relevant system or components, and also filter the information using the categories (for example, lighting, electronics, etc.).
"Air-conditioning system is not functioning Lack of engine power Engine control lamp lights up If the above vehicle loses power, and simultaneously the air conditioning fails and the malfunction indicator lamp lights up, you should consider a faulty cool"
"Volvo V50 - Temperature control of air-conditioning system | HELLA Volvo Year of manufacture: 2004 - 2006 Temperature control of air-conditioning system In the above vehicles, corrosion on a connector and/or a damaged wiring harness can adversely affec"
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"Data Protection | Unsubscribe Almost there! All you need to do is confirm your sign up! We've sent an e-mail to your email address. Check your inbox and click on the confirmation link to start receiving HELLA TECH WORLD updates. Wrong e-mail or no conf"
"Engine: 55 - 125KW Failure of the Radiator Fan The radiator fan in the above vehicles can malfunction. Specifically, a defective fan series resistor can cause one or both fan stages to fail. The fan resistor is mounted to the fan shroud (Fig. 1). The ma"
"Vehicles equipped with air conditioning and electric auxiliary heater Condensation water drain / short circuit of the electric auxiliary heater In the above vehicles, a clogged condensation water drain hose may cause a short circuit in the electric auxil"
"Mercedes W168/W210 - Air conditioning system failure | HELLA Mercedes With air-conditioning system/automatic-air conditioning Air conditioning system failure The vehicles mentioned above may experience a temporary or complete failure of the air-conditi"
"Chassis No.: 8N*41015239 - 8N*51004029 Vibrations and noises Poor air conditioning system performance Different condensers In the vehicles listed above, operating the air conditioning system may result in vibrations and noises. These usually occur at "
"Volvo XC90/S90/V90 - Condensation in vehicle interior | HELLA Volvo Model year: 2016 + 2017 Condensation in vehicle interior In the vehicles listed above, there is a chance of water getting into the interior. Over longer periods of time, this may also "
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