In this database, you will find vehicle-specific diagnostic and repair information relating to a variety of fault symptoms. This professional, technical information has been compiled by experienced technicians and mechanics to support automotive workshops with vehicle repairs. You can search the database by entering multiple keywords, for instance the vehicle make, model, relevant system or components, and also filter the information using the categories (for example, lighting, electronics, etc.).
"Mercedes W210 - Replacement starter is not functioning | HELLA Mercedes W210 (E-Class) Replacement starter is not functioning It is possible that the replacement starter may not function in the vehicles mentioned above. A detached positive battery cable co"
"Peugeot 307 - Left parking light / tail light and licence plate light fail | HELLA Peugeot 307 Year of manufacture: to 13/05/2005 3- and 5-door without park pilot Left parking light / tail light and licence plate light fail (fuse blown) In the above vehicl"
"Mini (R50/52/53) - Stop lights constantly lit | HELLA Mini (R50/52/53) Model years 2002-2006 All models with air conditioning Stop lights constantly lit If a customer complains about the above problem, this could be caused by water entering the relevant ca"
"Mercedes Benz Vito 2 - Faulty function: Rear window wiper | HELLA Mercedes Benz Vito 2 Type: 639 Model year: from 2003 All models Faulty function: Rear window wiper Rear window washer system Rear window defroster If one or more of the above problems are id"
"Mercedes CLK - Stop/tail light not functioning | HELLA Mercedes CLK (209) Stop/tail light not functioning If problems are encountered with the function of the stop lights or/and tail lights in the above vehicles, particular attention should be paid to the "
"Citroen Berlingo - Failure of the low beam | HELLA Citroen Berlingo Model years 2002-2008 Failure of the low beam If a customer complains about the above problem, this could be caused by a frayed cable harness. Additionally there may be electrical failures"
"Audi A4FSI - Trailer taillights are permanently ON | HELLA Audi A4FSI Model series 2002 Equipment series including trailer hitch Trailer taillights are permanently ON. This may possibly be caused by the control unit for trailer detection, which converts th"
"Audi A3 - Trunk lid lighting not functioning | HELLA Audi A3 Model years 1997 to 2003 All models Trunk lid lighting not functioning If a customer complains about the above error, this could be caused by water entering the trunk lid lock. The customer may a"
"Opel Astra J - Delayed warning and indicator tones | HELLA Opel Astra J Model year: 2010 onwards Radio: CD300 / CD400 / CDC400 Delayed warning and indicator tones. Delayed warning tones for the parking aid. If it is reported that warning, indicator or park"
"Opel Astra H - Rattling noises and poor engine performance | HELLA Opel Astra H Model year: 2004–2010 Engine: 1.4i (Z14XEP) and 1.2i (Z12XEP) Rattling noises and poor engine performance. Rattling noises from the engine compartment and poor engine performan"