In this database, you will find vehicle-specific diagnostic and repair information relating to a variety of fault symptoms. This professional, technical information has been compiled by experienced technicians and mechanics to support automotive workshops with vehicle repairs. You can search the database by entering multiple keywords, for instance the vehicle make, model, relevant system or components, and also filter the information using the categories (for example, lighting, electronics, etc.).
"All models with manual temperature control Hazard warning signal switches on without being activated If the above-mentioned vehicles are found to have a problem with the hazard warning signal switching itself on without first being activated, the cause m"
"Engine: Multijet Compressor noise with air-conditioning system switched off With the above vehicles noise may be heard from the engine compartment when idling. The problem however only occurs when the air-conditioning system is switched off and is thus s"
"Data Protection | Unsubscribe Almost there! All you need to do is confirm your sign up! We've sent an e-mail to your email address. Check your inbox and click on the confirmation link to start receiving HELLA TECH WORLD updates. Wrong e-mail or no conf"
"Data Protection | Unsubscribe Almost there! All you need to do is confirm your sign up! We've sent an e-mail to your email address. Check your inbox and click on the confirmation link to start receiving HELLA TECH WORLD updates. Wrong e-mail or no conf"
"Model years: 08/2010 - 02/2011 Poor braking function If signs of the above fault are noticed, this may also be associated with defective brake hoses. Repair notes In the event of customer complaints, special attention should therefore be paid to these "
"Data Protection | Unsubscribe Almost there! All you need to do is confirm your sign up! We've sent an e-mail to your email address. Check your inbox and click on the confirmation link to start receiving HELLA TECH WORLD updates. Wrong e-mail or no conf"
"VW Passat - Inadequate braking function or poor brake boost | HELLA VW Passat Model year: 04.2015 to 10.2015 All vehicles with "Predictive Pedestrian Protection" Inadequate braking function or poor brake boost If the above defect is noticed, the cause"
"Data Protection | Unsubscribe Almost there! All you need to do is confirm your sign up! We've sent an e-mail to your email address. Check your inbox and click on the confirmation link to start receiving HELLA TECH WORLD updates. Wrong e-mail or no conf"
"Opel Vivaro - Uncontrolled illumination of the ABS Service- Stop warning light while driving | HELLA Opel Vivaro Uncontrolled illumination of the ABS Service- Stop warning light while driving No error code stored in the control unit If the above defect"
"Ford Explorer - Air-conditioning system with rear evaporator | HELLA Ford Explorer Air-conditioning system with rear evaporator Noise development With the above vehicles annoying, whistling or/and humming noises may be heard from the vehicle rear end. "