In this database, you will find vehicle-specific diagnostic and repair information relating to a variety of fault symptoms. This professional, technical information has been compiled by experienced technicians and mechanics to support automotive workshops with vehicle repairs. You can search the database by entering multiple keywords, for instance the vehicle make, model, relevant system or components, and also filter the information using the categories (for example, lighting, electronics, etc.).
"Data Protection | Unsubscribe Almost there! All you need to do is confirm your sign up! We've sent an e-mail to your email address. Check your inbox and click on the confirmation link to start receiving HELLA TECH WORLD updates. Wrong e-mail or no conf"
"Vehicle Identification Number: 91000001 – B1198549 Engine malfunction indicator lamp lights up during the thrust phase. Error code: P0300 meaning: several cylinder misfires identified. Error code: U0100 meaning: data bus, engine control module A no co"
"Opel Astra J - Charge signal lamp flashes | HELLA Opel Model year: from 2012 onwards Chassis no.: WLOPD6EB2CG000351 – WLOPD6EB0C1000612 – Charge signal lamp flashes A complaint has ben made that the charge signal lamp flashes in the vehicles specifie"
"Opel Zafira A - Fluctuating instrument display | HELLA Opel Model years: 2002 to 2005 Fluctuating instrument display. Random illumination of the warning and indicator lights on the dashboard. If there are complaints for these vehicles about the proble"
"Engine: A17DTC (LUE) A17DTE (LKR) A17DTF (LKR) Engine does not start or loses power while driving Error code: P02E4 This indicates the following: intake air-flap actuator jams when opened, a mechanical fault. If the error code is linked with the above-"
"All models with X18XE1 engine Irregular engine running Vehicle occasionally stalls; impaired idle speed control If the above-mentioned symptoms occur on these vehicles, this may be caused by a dirty throttle valve. In this case, check the blow-by hole a"
"Data Protection | Unsubscribe Almost there! All you need to do is confirm your sign up! We've sent an e-mail to your email address. Check your inbox and click on the confirmation link to start receiving HELLA TECH WORLD updates. Wrong e-mail or no conf"
"Opel Ampera - Auxiliary internal combustion engine activated when battery discharged (risk of intoxication) | HELLA Opel Models with range extender only Model year: from 2011 onwards Auxiliary internal combustion engine activated when battery discharge"
"Mazda RX-8 - Lighting up of the coolant level warning light | HELLA Mazda All models from 10/2008 onwards Lighting up of the coolant level warning light If the coolant level warning light comes on in the above-mentioned vehicles although the coolant le"
"Opel Omega B - Failure of the rain light sensor | HELLA Opel All models: 05/2000 to 05/2002 Failure of the rain light sensor If a malfunction/failure of the automatic windshield wiper function is complained at in these vehicles, a possible source of fa"