In this database, you will find vehicle-specific diagnostic and repair information relating to a variety of fault symptoms. This professional, technical information has been compiled by experienced technicians and mechanics to support automotive workshops with vehicle repairs. You can search the database by entering multiple keywords, for instance the vehicle make, model, relevant system or components, and also filter the information using the categories (for example, lighting, electronics, etc.).
"Data Protection | Unsubscribe Almost there! All you need to do is confirm your sign up! We've sent an e-mail to your email address. Check your inbox and click on the confirmation link to start receiving HELLA TECH WORLD updates. Wrong e-mail or no conf"
"Fluctuating engine speed. Engine warning light comes on. If a problem is indicated by the engine warning light in the above vehicles the customer also complains about a fluctuating engine speed, a possible cause may be a loose connection at the throttle "
"Engine code: RHZ (DW 10 ATED) Engine cuts out after starting With the above-mentioned vehicle, the engine either cuts out after starting it up or it fails when an attempt is made to drive off. It is also very difficult to start the engine again after suc"
"Opel Astra J - Turn signal failure check | HELLA Opel Model year: 2011 Turn signal failure check In the above vehicles, the turn signal failure check may be affected by a "software error". The problem affects the software of the body control module - "
"Kia Picanto - Engine warning light comes on | HELLA Kia All petrol engine cars up from model year 01/2005 Engine warning light comes on. Engine warning light comes on. If the customer complains that the engine warning light comes on, the fault code P0"
"Engine control lamp comes on Engine does not run smoothly Fault code: P1113 Indicating port deactivation position sensor; circuit voltage too low / too high. If the fault listed above is determined, it may be caused by a defective intake-manifold flap "
"Kia Cee-d - Airbag malfunction indicator light is lit | HELLA Kia Hatchback VIN number: U5YFF24428L 096498 Hatchback VIN number: U5YFF23238L 006322 Airbag malfunction indicator light is lit If a customer complains about the above error, this could be "
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"Engine: 2.2 HDI FAP, DW12, Code: 4HX/4HY Starting behaviour and engine performance are inadequate, and the engine control light comes on. The following fault codes are saved in the engine control unit: - P0087/135, indicative of fuel system pressure; p"
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