Your Employer

FORVIA HELLA has not only been a close and reliable partner to the automotive industry for 125 years. We are also part of the FORVIA Group - the seventh largest supplier of automotive technologies in the world and a global market leader in high-growth areas of the future. More 157,000 employees at over 300 locations work here every day on the mobility of tomorrow.

FORVIA HELLA is Inspiring Mobility

Diversity and Equal Opportunities

Angelica Marcu – Head of HR Global Compliance and Diversity & Inclusion

“Promoting a diverse and inclusive culture has become one of FORVIA HELLA’s priorities, as a diverse environment boosts creativity and contributes to a fair and equal world. Our commitment to rejecting any form of discrimination is strongly expressed through our internal policies and guidelines.“

Angelica Marcu
Head of HR Global Compliance and Diversity & Inclusion

UN Women's Empowerment Principles

FORVIA HELLA is signatory of the UN Women's Empowerment Principles and is committed to implementing the principles in the workplace.
Click here for more information.


Our 6 Values

Our daily interaction is characterised by six values - which we are living anew every day:

We drive with vision

  • By inspiring and leading our teams toward a high level of engagement to achieve a safe, affordable and sustainable mobility for all.
  • By demonstrating ambition for the business, entrepreneurship, courage and energy.

We build on accountability

  • By taking full ownership of our scope of responsibility, empowered by delegation and appropriate resources, with full transparency of successes and mistakes.
  • By committing to delivering results, creating value and having a positive impact on society

We cultivate teamwork

  • By leveraging strengths and diversity of profiles, engaging them in constructive dialogue, while involving our entire ecosystem to build a sustainable future.
  • By attracting and developing the best talents and ensuring robust succession.

We embrace agility

  • By demonstrating situational awareness, willingness and ability to constantly learn to perform successfully in a fast-changing environment.
  • By taking initiative to successfully navigate unknown and unforeseen challenges.

We act with respect

  • By building long-term relationships with stakeholders and treating them fairly with respect.
  • By developing a trustful and caring environment where all talents can grow to their ultimate potential.

We believe in open-mindedness

  • By constantly looking for innovation, listening to open new business perspectives.
  • By welcoming diversity of ideas and experiences and building an inclusive culture.

Where We Come From

Long-term corporate success

Our own claim to be an innovative, forward-looking company and at the same time a fair, supportive employer stems not only from our long company history of 125 years, but also from our solidarity with the people at the respective locations.

FORVIA HELLA: Facts & Figures

7th largest supplier

7th largest supplier
for automotive technology worldwide

1 in 2 vehicles in the world
equipped with FORVIA technology

300 industrial sites

42 countries
150 nationalities

employees worldwide

157,000 employees

employees in R&D

15,000 employees
in R&D