
One Solution For Lots of Things

Our sensor portfolio includes pedal sensors, position sensors, sensors for motor oil and temperature management, and rain/light sensors. We are the world market leader in the field of pedal sensors, which are responsible for communicating the driver’s intentions to the engine electronics. Our pedal sensors are available with a potentiometer or as contact-free inductive sensors. The pedals are designed based on the individual requirements of automotive manufacturers. Contact-free inductive position sensors (CIPOS®) allow linear and rotating position measurements for various applications, such as steering torque and steering angle sensors, transmission sensors, vehicle level sensors, throttle position sensors and engine compartment sensors. Sensors for motor oil management are used to measure the oil level, the temperature, the oil condition and pressure. Our rain/light sensors perform a variety of functions; for example, they recognize the intensity of rainfall, use this information to control the windshield wipers, and use ambient light data to control the headlamps and combination rear lamps. They also measure the intensity of sunlight and humidity, both of which are important factors for the air-conditioning system.

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Find out more about our rain/light sensor.

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